A beautiful yellow Labrador retriever stares at his owner eating breakfast. Two long strings of drool hang from his jowls.
Labrador retrievers are often described as “food-motivated.” This guy is.

Did you know a mutation called POMC causes some labs to have a 25% lower resting metabolic rate than other labs, but markedly increased hunger? I didn’t. It’s true. The same mutation exists in humans. Who knew? Now I’m thinking about lunch…

The Chicago Air and Water Show was Saturday, and that meant the Blue Angels were back in town to rehearse maneuvers over my neighborhood! The first time I was here for this was two years ago, a week after I moved to Chicago. I had no idea what was going on, just that I heard what were definitely fighter jets screaming over Lake Michigan. For half a second, I thought maybe it was the Russians. (Joke.)