School’s closed! …wait, I’m 37 and I work remotely. Anyway, it’s my first snowfall in my own home, so I got out my camera and shot some pictures from the comfort of my porch.

School’s closed! …wait, I’m 37 and I work remotely. Anyway, it’s my first snowfall in my own home, so I got out my camera and shot some pictures from the comfort of my porch.
I saw Metallica at Soldier Field Friday! I’ve been listening to them since, oh, high school, and this was my first time seeing them live. They may be thrash metal grandpas, but they still put on a great show. James Hetfield is such a goober.
The Chicago Air and Water Show was Saturday, and that meant the Blue Angels were back in town to rehearse maneuvers over my neighborhood! The first time I was here for this was two years ago, a week after I moved to Chicago. I had no idea what was going on, just that I heard what were definitely fighter jets screaming over Lake Michigan. For half a second, I thought maybe it was the Russians. (Joke.)